***Please refer to the COVID/Reentry Section Great Start Guide 

    for new procedures during the 2020- 2021 school year.***


    It is the practice of Eastchester School District, in conjunction with our District Medical Director and the Health Department, for students who have been ill to remain at home for at least 24 hours after symptoms have subsided. These symptoms include:

      • Temperature 100.4 or above anytime in the previous 24 hours WITHOUT USE OF TYLENOL OR MOTRIN
      • Vomiting/diarrhea
      • Strep throat (m

    Students must be on antibiotics for full 24 hours before returning to school.  See attached Contagious Disease Guidelines for further information and/or restrictions.

    Students who miss school because of illness MAY NOT return for after-school activities, rehearsals or athletics.

    When in doubt, act on the side of caution and keep your child home the extra day!!

    Parents should report absences or tardiness daily to 914-793-6130, using the extensions provided below. Students must bring a parent’s/physician’s note to explain their absence upon return to school.

    Eastchester High School Attendance Office ext. 4228
    Eastchester Middle School Attendance Office ext. 4271
    Anne Hutchinson School Attendance Office ext. 5107
    Greenvale School Attendance Office ext. 5303
    Waverly School Attendance Office ext. 5503