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Eastchester Union Free School District

The Eastchester Union Free School District is located 22 miles from midtown Manhattan in the Town of Eastchester. The Town, founded in 1664, is a community with a rich history. Its location in southern Westchester is a draw for those desiring a suburban location within easy reach of the many cultural opportunities of New York City as well as accessibility to area beaches, mountains, and other recreational areas.

The Eastchester School District is known for its commitment to excellence and provides students with a comprehensive education that stresses academic achievement and personal growth. The District's curriculum fully integrates the New York State Learning Standards and the Next Generation Learning Standards. The District is comprised of five schools serving around 3000 students, provides a wide variety of course offerings at all levels to challenge students to meet their potential while focusing on individual needs.

Additional highlights of the Eastchester UFSD include:

  • Integration of interactive white boards into curriculum at all levels, K-12
  • Commitment to ongoing professional development
  • Academic Intervention Services
  • Innovative special education programs providing full continuum of services for all Eastchester children
  • Financially stability
  • Cable television programming
  • Collaboration with school PTAs, the Eastchester School Foundation, Music Boosters and the Eagles Sports Club to continue the mission of educating the whole child, helping each individual to become a life-long learner and good citizen
waverly school front entrance

Waverly School

Waverly houses a full time Kindergarten and Grade 1. The developmentally appropriate program is exploratory and "hands on" in nature, designed to promote each child's social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth. Curiosity and the joy of learning are emphasized as we strive to develop life-long learners. We teach basic skills, strategies, concepts, and critical thinking skills,aligned to the Common Core Standards, meeting the learning needs of all children as they begin their educational experience in Eastchester.


greenvale building front entrance with school name

Anne Hutchinson and Greenvale

Grades 2-5 are taught at the Anne Hutchinson School and the Greenvale School. The instructional program revolves around the Common Core Standards in all curriculum areas. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking, communication, problem solving, and the development of strong basic skills. Additional highlights include band, orchestra and choral programs, and character education programs that focus on cooperation, friendship, responsibility and honesty. Extracurricular activities include numerous after-school clubs.



eastchester middle school front entrance


Eastchester Middle School (EMS)

The Middle School, located on the same campus as the high school, draws students from both elementary schools. EMS provides a supportive environment to meet the needs of students in grades 6-8. Grade level teams create a challenging academic environment aligned to the Common Core Standards with opportunities for both advanced classes and differentiated instruction. Accelerated Mathematics coursesand Regents Earth Science classes are available in eighth grade. Three foreign languages are also offered. Additional classes are taught in art, music, health, physical education, developmental reading, and technology. The school provides Academic Intervention Services, field trips, and a cultural arts program. Extracurricular activities include interscholastic and intramural sports, various clubs, drama and musical productions, Student Leaders, a Student Council, and Jazz Co.



Eastchester High School (EHS)

EHS is a four-year comprehensive school with an academic program that has been nationally recognized for its excellence by the U.S. Office of Education. The majority of students are enrolled in the college preparatory program and 97% go on to post-secondary studies. Students are offered numerous Advance Placement (AP) courses in all content areas, as well as participation in the Advanced Science Research program, Math Olympiads and the WISE internship program. Four foreign languages are offered. A state of the art library/media center includes a TV/Video production studio. There is a wide array of extracurricular clubs and athletic opportunities. Winter and spring concerts, theater and dance productions showcase student talent. Forum, an annual publication containing the best creative writing efforts of Eastchester High School students, consistently wins national recognition and excellence awards.