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EHS Students Celebrate Spirit Week Ahead of Augie Nardone Tournament

EHS Students Celebrate Spirit Week Ahead of Augie Nardone Tournament

In the days leading up to a pair of hotly anticipated Friday basketball games, Eastchester High School students have been throwing themselves wholly into the excitement with four days of Eastchester Government Organization-led Spirit Week events. 

Spirit Week officially kicked off with Tuesday’s “Pajama Day” and featured themed events each school day leading up to Friday’s in-school pep rally for the winter sports teams. 

EHS students celebrate Spirit Week with Pajama Day

Adrienne Reilly, EGO’s Executive Public Relations Officer, said that Spirit Week is an integral part of helping to build support for the school’s athletic teams as well as promoting community pride. 

In the fall, Spirit Week generally coincides with a slate of Homecoming games. This season’s Spirit Week comes ahead of the 21st annual Augie Nardone Tournament, which pits Eastchester’s varsity basketball teams against their cross-town rivals from Tuckahoe to honor the memory of August “Augie” Nardone, a police officer and athletic coach who served the youth of both communities over the course of his life. 

“It definitely helps getting people excited for these games,” said Mary O’Leary, who serves as the Public Relations Officer for the EGO Class of 2027. “It’s especially nice for the basketball players because Tuckahoe is a big rival, so it encourages people to go to the game.”

On Tuesday, students came to school clad in skiing or snowboarding attire. The next day,  students tossed away their more colorful clothes to participate in “White Out Wednesday.” 

Thursday saw Eagles take part in an inventive “Age Day” in which members of each grade  dressed in outfits that represented different eras in an individual’s life, with ninth graders dressing as young children and 12th graders embracing their status as the school’s elder statesmen, dressing like senior citizens. 

Adrienne Reilly, who is EGO’s Senior PR Officer, explained that devising themes for Spirit Weeks are always a welcome—and enjoyable—part of the EGO experience, as the government officers debate what types of event days would stoke the student body’s excitement. 

“We were looking to do something different this year, and ‘Age Day’ seemed like it was fun and easy for people to put together,” said Reilly. 

“These Spirit Week events really promote togetherness within a grade, and it’s fun to work out with your friends what you’re going to be wearing so you all match,” noted O’Leary.

“And I think for seniors, it’s a really fun way to celebrate our place as the oldest students.”

The August “Augie” Nardone Scholarship Tournament is scheduled for Friday, January 17. Eastchester’s varsity girls basketball team will take on Tuckahoe at 5 p.m., followed by the boys game at 7 p.m.

  • EGO
  • EHS