The Eastchester Middle School student activities program is an essential part of our school’s curriculum. All students are encouraged to participate in the various programs offered. Listed below are the many school activities that have been available at our school in recent years. To join an activity, students should ask for the name of the teacher in charge of that activity and contact that teacher for information on meeting dates and times. Students should also listen for announcements regarding meetings during homeroom. For more information on extra- and co-curricular activities, students should refer to the Handbook of Co-Curricular Clubs and Activities which is published every year at the end of September.
- Art Club
- Chess Club
- Debate Club
- EMS Players Club
- History Club
- International Club
- Intramurals
- Jazz Band
- Jazz Co. (dance)
- Modified baseball (7th & 8th)
- Modified basketball (7th & 8th)
- Modified football (7th & 8th)
- Modified lacrosse (7th & 8th)
- Modified soccer (7th & 8th)
- Modified softball (7th & 8th)
- Modified volleyball (7th & 8th)
- Newspaper Club
- Science Club
- Scratch Club
- Student Leadership Council
- Technology Club
- Yearbook
- Selected students may participate in high school athletics