Nurse Kazi's Desk


    914-793-6130 ext 5509


    *If your child is absent from school for symptoms please review the Waverly website for what they need to return**
    A doctor's note is required for any child who misses 3 or more consecutive days
    of school due to illness. All other absences require a note from the parent upon the child’s
    return to school.
    Signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in children include:
    1. As per COVID protocols that were in effect as of June 2023, if someone tests positive for COVID, then they must isolate for 5 days, and then can return days 6-10 with a mask.  If a household member has COVID but our student does not, the student can attend school as long as they are asymptomatic.

    2. As per NYSDOH & NYSED immunization requirements for school entrance/attendance, all children attending school must have received or be in process of the required vaccinations: DTAP, Polio, Hep B, Varicella and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR). Please show proof of your child’s up-to-date vaccinations as soon as possible, if you have not done so already. This information can be submitted in an envelope in your child's backpack (ATTN: Health Office), via email to waverlynurse@eufsdk12.org, or faxed directly to the health office at this number: 914-787-2344. 

    Waverly Health Office Phone: 914-793-6130 x5509
    Fax into Email Inbox: 914-787-2344

    Nurse 793-6130 ext. 5509

    Our school nurse is your child's best friend at school. She is always available to care for tummy aches, skinned knees, headaches, etc., and to give comfort when needed. Should your child become ill during school, parents will always be notified. Please call the school nurse in the morning if your child is absent that day.

    School district policy states that should your child require a prescription or non-prescription medication during school hours, the nurse must have:

    >written parental permission
    >written physician's order
    >medication in an original pharmacy container
    >parents must bring in medication to school - children are not permitted to carry any medication

    Hearing and vision screenings are conducted.
    Immunization records are reviewed.
    Notices are sent out when students are exposed to communicable diseases.

    Guidelines to follow when deciding to send a child to school:
    Fever: Do not send a child to school with a fever. A child should remain at home 24 hours after the fever has subsided.
    Cold & Cough: If your child has a bad cold and/or cough, a persistent runny nose, or sneezing, please have your child rest at home until the symptoms subside.
    Rash: Please consult your doctor.
    Vomiting/Diarrhea: Your child should remain at home if he/she has had these symptoms during the night or the evening before.
    Chicken Pox: Please keep your child home from the initial onset of chickenpox until all lesions are dry.
    Conjunctivitis: A child diagnosed with conjunctivitis should stay home until there is no discharge and the eye no longer appears pink.
    Head Lice: The child cannot be readmitted to school until all nits (both viable and nonviable) are removed. Contact your doctor for advice on treatment. Follow all directions carefully.

    Student Return to School after Illness/Injury

    In general, students should be symptom-free before returning to school and resuming normal activities. In the case of communicable diseases, students must no longer be contagious. In some instances, students may be asked to provide a note from their licensed healthcare provider or meet specific indicators before they return to school or participate in the full range of school activities. The final decision, subject to administration and Board of Education review, to permit participation rests with the school physician. The Superintendent, in consultation with public health authorities, the school physician, the nurse, and other appropriate staff, will develop protocols to address a student’s return to activities when there has been a serious illness or injury.