• Extracurricular Activities

    In order to have a well-rounded educational experience at Eastchester High School, it is recommended that students participate in at least one extracurricular activity.

    The Eastchester High School student activities program is designed to help meet the recreational, social, and academic interests of all students, and to complement instruction. Contact the activity advisor or your counselor for further information.

    Students involved in co-curricular activities or extracurricular sports are expected to maintain the highest academic standings of which they are capable. In addition, they are expected to be models for the community they represent. Students involved in extracurricular or interscholastic activities must follow the guidelines outlined in the academic eligibility clause of this handbook. Students are encouraged to support their peers in athletics and co-curricular activities by attending contests, programs, and athletic events on regular basis. Students who are at home or away programs sponsored by Eastchester High School must follow all school-related policies.

    Activities and Clubs

    9th Grade Advisor - Ms. Oxx/Mr. Gizzo, Room 214
    10th Grade Advisor - Coming Soon
    11th Grade Advisor - Mr. Weisman, Room 232
    12th Grade Advisor - Ms. Stipo, Room 234
    Academic Challenge Team - Mr. Ellis, Room 314
    Animal Rights Club - Ms. Silva and Ms. Battista, Room 313/317
    Art Honor Society - Ms. de Rahm, Room 0015
    Art Club - Mr. Robinson, 0013
    Chemistry Club - Mr. Gorycki, Room 231
    Chess Club - Mr. Ross, Room 304
    Debate Club - Mr. Heinemann, Room 209
    Eaglet Newspaper - Mr. Johnson, Room 242
    Eastchester Government Organization- Ms. Ahern-Kenny, Room 319
    English Honor Society - Mr. Johnson, Room 242
    Forum - Mr. Benveniste, Room 238
    French Club/Honor Society - Ms. Marcoccia, Room 130
    Gay Straight Alliance - Ms. Marcoccia, Room 130
    Going Green Club - Ms. Woods-Ray, Room 235
    Habitat for Humanity - Mr. Heinemann 
    Human Rights Club - Ms. Bohringer/Ms. Oxx Room, 213/214
    Investment and Finance Club -  Ms. Schlamkowitz, Room 236
    Italian Club/Italian Honor Society - Ms. Roviezzo, Room 129
    Jazz Co. - Ms. Cuomo/Ms. Reilly
    Jazz Band - Mr. Dodge
    Math Honor Society - Ms. Barbara, Room 328
    Model Congress (includes Political Science Club) - Ms. Crowley Room 203
    Music Honor Society - TBA
    National Honor Society - Ms. Crisci/Ms. Hickey
    National Science Honor Society - Christian Gorycki Room 231
    Orchestra - TBA
    Pep Band - Mr. Dodge
    Photography Club - Mr. Perry, Room 0019
    Player's Club - Mr. Fletcher
    Political Science Club (referred to as Model Congress in announcments) - Ms. Crowley, Room 203
    Ski/Snowboarding Club - Mr. Gruber, Room 306
    SLAM Poetry Club - Dr. Kambar, Room 320
    Spanish Club/Spanish Honor Society - Ms. Barrera, Room 125
    Student Athletic Council - Mr. Karol Gym
    Video Production Club - Mr. Goldstein, TV Studio
    Yearbook - LeSouvenir - Ms. Stipo & Ms. Molinari, Room 234/213



    Varsity Boys Soccer
    J.V. Boys Soccer
    Varsity Girls Soccer
    J.V. Girls Soccer
    Varsity Football
    J.V. Football
    Varsity Volleyball
    J.V. Volleyball
    Varsity Swimming
    Varsity Girls Tennis
    J.V. Girls Tennis
    Varisity Cheerleading
    J.V. Cheerleading
    Varsity Boys/Girls Cross Country


    Varsity Boys Basketball
    J.V. Boys Basketbal
    Varsity Girls Basketball
    J.V. Girls Basketbal
    Varsity Gymnastics
    Varsity Ice Hockey
    Varsity Wrestling
    Varsity Competitive Cheerleading
    J.V. Competitive Cheerleading
    Varsity Boys/Girls Indoor Track & Field
    Modified Boys/Girls Indoor Track & Field


    Varsity Baseball
    J.V. Basebal
    Varsity Softball
    J.V. Softball
    Varsity Boys Tennis
    J.V. Boys Tennis
    Varsity Boys/Girls Outdoor Track & Field
    Varsity Golf
    Varsity Boys Lacrosse
    Varsity Girls Lacrosse
    J.V. Girls Lacrosse