Physical Education
Physical Education is a sequential educational program that helps students:
- understand, develop, and maintain physical fitness levels throughout life, to establish healthy lifestyles, through various venues
- understand and improve motor skills
- understand the connection between muscles, bones and movement
- understand the importance of team work and sportsmanship
- apply their skills, knowledge and concepts to game activities
The programs provide for both individual and group activities that are beneficial to the growth and development of all students.
At Greenvale, all grades meet for Physical Education twice a week for 45 minutes each cycle. Every student MUST wear sneakers with laces or velcro. NO slip-ons – they slip off! A student will not be permitted to take their Physical Education class without sneakers. Thick-soled, “fashion” sneakers are NOT permitted.
Every student must be dressed in proper fitting attire appropriate for Physical Education such as sweatpants, warm-up suits, stretch pants or shorts (not short-shorts). Excessively baggy or long pants dragging on the floor, and shirts that are too short to remain tucked into pants during vigorous exercise, are inappropriate for Physical Education class. A student will not be permitted to participate in Physical Education if the above-mentioned conditions exist.
If the student is unable to participate in Physical Education class three times due to inappropriate attire, parents will be notified. In grades 2-5, a practice test of the NY State Health-Related Physical Fitness test is given, to assess student growth.
Students who need to be excused from Physical Education class for any reason MUST GIVE a note signed by their parents to the Physical Education teacher, stating the reason and duration of time needed. A doctor’s note is necessary for any student needing to be excused for more than one (1) week.