• cafe


     If you would like your child to participate in our school lunch program, here is some important information for you to know:


    There will be one meal offered each day.  The meal consists of a main course, a fruit, a vegetable, and a drink.  Please check the menu to determine if it is something your child will enjoy.  There are no substitutions. 

    In order to alert your child's teacher that they will purchase lunch on a particular day,  please inform your child's teacher in writing.  

    Lunch will be distributed in the cafeteria during their lunchtime.

    Parents of children with food allergies or intolerances will need to determine if the offerings are safe food items for their children.

    The cost of lunch is $4.25 daily.

    The district utilizes MyPaymentsPlus, a computerized school lunch program.  Accounts can be set up by visiting www.mypaymentsplus.com.  You will need your child’s student ID number, which can be found on the emergency contact form.

    If you send cash in with your child, the “change” will be added to their account.

    Please join the Remind app, which will be used to keep families informed of changes in menus and ingredients.  You can participate by clicking on this link: https://www.remind.com/join/eufsdwave

    Please remember to continue to send in an appropriate, safe (nut-free) classroom snack on a daily basis.  

    If your child would like to continue to take lunch from home, that is still an option.