'For Our Children': More Reasons to Support the School Budget
This year, we have witnessed extensive growth in our elementary programs. We must continue to build on the foundations, reaching up higher to become stronger.
FLES Spanish Program
Waverly students, staff and parents have been unanimous in their approval of the Spanish Language and cultural education program started with our K-1 students this school year. Children are gaining functional proficiency, vocabulary and language fluency in Spanish. The question becomes, why stop here?
First graders today at Waverly look forward to Grade 2 Spanish at Anne Hutch and Greenvale. Additionally, what a wonderful time to expand Spanish, Grades 2-5 with a beginners program. Fifth graders will become that much more comfortable with entering Grade 6, where they will learn Spanish alongside French and Italian.
We propose hiring two full-time FLES teachers, one for Anne Hutch and another for Greenvale, to ensure a full K-5 FLES program beginning this September.
Improving our Proficiency/Mastery Rates
This year, we strengthened our Math Proficiency rate from 68% (Spring 2022) to 82% (Spring 2023). Our ELA scores held steady at 68% proficiency.
We must redouble our efforts to lift reading, writing, literacy and speaking proficiency by hiring one additional literacy coach. This will allow Waverly, Anne Hutchinson and Greenvale to each have their own Literary Coach supporting students and staff alike.
Strengthening our WIN period and departmentalization programs will again ensure movement forward in ELA and Math student outcomes.
Waverly Enrollment
We anticipate Waverly to need one additional teacher next year with the number of sections expanding from 19 to 20 due to increased enrollment. We have budgeted one additional position for Waverly.
K-5 Performing Arts
We must grow the arts at our elementary schools. Today, we have band and chorus advisors. The budget proposes an additional orchestra advisor at both Anne Huthc and Greenvale to compliment our Band/Chorus efforts to grow student participation and create a solid connection to our Middle/High school Performing Arts programs.
Additionally, we would like to expand our vocal, chorus and band/orchestra teachers at Anne Hutch and Greenvale from three full time to four full time teachers to ensure each school has two full time positions teaching the vocal/chorus and band/orchestra programs.
These additional positions will go a long way towards moving all three elementary schools towards ranking among the best in Westchester.